How the Gay Penguins became donor-egg parents.

Something warm and fuzzy touched me this week. It was the rather charming story of the Gay Penguins at Sydney Sea Life Aquarium.

As it turns out, there are many same-sex penguin couples in this world. Who knew?! It's not uncommon for same-sex penguin couples to display nesting and parenting skills and, this particular penguin couple had already been practising theirs on a dummy egg. As it happened, in this penguin community, another lady-penguin had laid two eggs. Yes, you heard it right, THE NICE LADY-PENGUIN HAD A SPARE EGG!!!!! So, the lovely team at Sydney Sea Life enabled gay penguins Magic and Sphen to foster the spare egg.

So there you have it. I now have something in common with penguins. I need a nice lady (non penguin) to share her spare eggs with me. 

Fingers crossed for happy endings for Magic, Sphen and me.


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